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NYDS Alumni

“NYDS - New York Dance Studio” from 2017 -2021


Here you go with some memorable videos, events and information about what NYDS has been so far!

Let's write the next chapter together!

Much love



Brinas comeback
March 2023


NYDS farwell event
november 2021


What I most love about dance is, that you are never done...You can always learn something new & you can always become better!

BRiNA - Founder of NYDS

BRiNA - Who I am

- The story about my WHY -

"Be who you needed when you were younger"


NYDS values & mission

NYDS values

#passion #courage #discipline

NYDS mission

My mission with NYDS is simple:


· Give dancers the opportunities that I never had (and so much whished for)


· Train and develop my students dance skills, in order for them to be able to fulfill their personal goals & dreams


· Train new and young dance teachers: Give them the opportunity to dive into this job, make their experiences and become a better teacher in all areas. I love my #nydsteam!


· Be more than only a dance teacher, I want to be a dance coach. I want to have a real impact on my students dance journey and in their life. #nydsfamily


· Create a platform for other talented artists such as photographers, videographers, MUA's, DJ's etc. I would like to give my #nydssquad a chance to do what they love, grow and learn with NYDS.


the urban dance experience

“NYDS - New York Dance Studio” offers you a unique urban dance experience!


Sabrina Reyes aka BRiNA (CEO and founder of NYDS) developed her own style using old school hip hop basics as well as new influences from Hip Hop, Dancehall and Afrobeats and a wide variety of other dance styles to create her own. With regular trips to New York and constant self-development trough taking workshops and going to dance camps she is always bringing up new stuff and new styles.


Her goal is, to teach trough her brand  “NYDS – New York Dance Studio” the newest and hippest trends from New York and bring this unique atmosphere to Switzerland: What survives the tough challenge in New York, is made for the world…and for Switzerland!


The NYDS values and main drivers for BRiNA are:

passion ¦ courage ¦ discipline


With these values she will take each student as an individual and take her/him from his level to the next one. Through her journey and experience she learned, that passion for dance is key, but it’s not all. If you really want to evolve as a dancer, you need to try out new things and new styles (courage) and you need to keep going, even if you fail or it is harder than you think (discipline). Only then, you are able to beat your biggest competitor: Yourself!

Join us and let the vibes of NYDS and BRiNA inspire you to become the best version of yourself…


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