NYDS values & mission
NYDS values
#passion #courage #discipline
NYDS mission
My mission with NYDS is simple:
· Give dancers the opportunities that I never had (and so much whished for)
· Train and develop my students dance skills, in order for them to be able to fulfill their personal goals & dreams
· Train new and young dance teachers: Give them the opportunity to dive into this job, make their experiences and become a better teacher in all areas. I love my #nydsteam!
· Be more than only a dance teacher, I want to be a dance coach. I want to have a real impact on my students dance journey and in their life. #nydsfamily
· Create a platform for other talented artists such as photographers, videographers, MUA's, DJ's etc. I would like to give my #nydssquad a chance to do what they love, grow and learn with NYDS.