NYDS team
Let me introduce you to my amazing, creative and super motivated #nydsteam!
These people absolutely love what they do, just like me. Follow them, support them and give them a huge shout out! Without them NYDS would never ever be the same...
Cristina Lalanza
Virtual Assistant
Spanish, English, French & German
"What I like most about working with NYDS are the values transmitted to students and collaborators, BRiNA's passion for what she does best, the desire to make NYDS grow and be better every day, as well as the flexibility related to my job."
Francesca Schuhmacher
Financial Specialist
German, French; Italian
"I'm happy to support BRiNA on her way to realize her big dream. I love the contact with people and I always wished to be able to work in the artistic world, even if it is only in the background. For me it is important to find the right balance between business and humans. "
Ramona Jiggysoul
Co Teacher
Style: Dancehall, Afrofusion
German, English, Italian
"In the short time that I got to know BRiNA, I was happy to discover that we share the same values in many things. BRiNA is an openminded and passionate person, who is also there for her students beyond the dance lessons and thus creates a "home" for every dance enthusiast. Among other things, I love BRiNA's vision for NYDS, showing even more how much she is willing to invest for her students and her team. Being a part of the NYDS Team fills me with joy and I look forward to a future together with lots of dancing."
Co Teacher
Style: Dancehall, Afrobeats, Reggaeton, MTV Dance, Pole
German, English, Slovakian
„Why I choose to be part of NYDS is that I love all the energy and passion which BRiNA puts in this dance school. How she motivates her students and people around her. She spreads positivity everywhere she can. She is an amazing dancer and it's my pleasure to be part of this great dancing family.“
Nadja Schneider
Co Teacher
Style: Urban Contemporary, Hip Hop
German, French, English
"For me, NYDS is a place where every person has the opportunity to dance and be who he/she is. You can feel the charity and openness to each other. This is exactly what inspired and motivates me as a dance teacher to be part of NYDS."
Raggasoul crew
Co Teacher & Vibe spreader
Style: Dancehall
German, French, English, Italian & Spanish
"We like the values BRiNA is teaching and living through NYDS. We are very much excited and grateful to begin this new journey with her and her family at NYDS. Let's spread some good vibes together"
Lush Scorpionking
CEO of BlackScorpionDancers
Style: Dancehall
English, Jamaican
"NYDS is a very amazing dance studio not just a studio where you learn but it's a studio run by BRiNA where she not just teach dance but she love, encourage and inspire. I would recommend each and everyone to be apart of NYDS, because BRiNA is so kind, loving a very amazing dancer. Her personality as a woman is amazing she puts her students happiness before hers and that takes courage to do so.
BRiNA & NYDS is my home far away from home..."
Stefy Barreto
Co Teacher
Style: Hip Hop
German, French, English, Portuguese
"I really enjoy the work with NYDS because BRiNA has a wonderful way of building up the whole thing and the energy and vibe is very positive and it really makes you want to be there and dance.
I notice as well, that BRiNA puts all her heart into the whole project. IT's about creating a wonderful class environment and also about teaching the students as individually as possible."
WE are waiting
for you!
Do you wanna join my team?
Please send me your CV to
Lucia Wyss
Junior - Co - Teacher
Style: Hip Hop
German, French, English
"What I most like about NYDS is the diversity of the class: We don't dance just one single style. What is a beautiful fact about NYDS: We are a family and we always support eachother. It's always a lot of fun to train with BRiNA. She always pushes me when I have a bad mood or when I'm tired."
Soraya Hirter
Junior - Co - Teacher
Style: Hip Hop, Contemporary
French, German, English
"What I love about NYDS is that it’s a huge family. I really always felt welcomed and happy to dance with all the other students and BRiNA. The thing that I really like is that there is no competition between the dancers, we just want to have fun and to dance together and that’s so important to me. Working with BRiNA is a big pleasure for me because I have never done this before, and to have an opportunity like this, to be part of the team and to share our passion for dance together, it’s just AMAZING !!
Thank you so much for this"